International Standards – Ceramics

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ASTM C1161This test method covers the determination of flexural strength of advanced ceramic materials at ambient temperature. Four-point-1/4 point and three-point loadings with prescribed spans are the standard. Rectangular specimens of prescribed cross-section sizes are used with specified features in prescribed specimen-fixture combinations. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1161 here.
ASTM C1211This test method covers determination of the flexural strength of advanced ceramics at elevated temperatures. Four-point-1/4 point and three-point loadings with prescribed spans are the standard. Rectangular specimens of prescribed cross-section are used with specified features in prescribed specimen-fixture combinations. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1211 here.
ASTM C1273This test method covers the determination of tensile strength under uniaxial loading of monolithic advanced ceramics at ambient temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1273 here.
ASTM C1291This test method covers the determination of tensile creep strain, creep strain rate, and creep time-to-failure for advanced monolithic ceramics at elevated temperatures, typically between 1073 and 2073 K. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1291 here.
ASTM C1292This test method covers the determination of shear strength of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic composites (CFCCs) at ambient temperature. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1292 here.
ASTM C1323This test method covers the determination of ultimate strength under monotonic loading of advanced ceramics in tubular form at ambient temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1323 here.
ASTM C1337This test method covers the determination of the time-dependent deformation and time-to-rupture of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic composites under constant tensile loading at elevated temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1337 here.
ASTM C1341This test method covers the determination of flexural properties of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic composites in the form of rectangular bars formed directly or cut from sheets, plates, or molded shapes. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1341 here.
ASTM C1358This test method covers the determination of compressive strength including stress-strain behavior under monotonic uniaxial loading of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics at ambient temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1358 here.
ASTM C1359This test method covers the determination of tensile strength including stress-strain behavior under monotonic uniaxial loading of continuous fiber-reinforced advanced ceramics at elevated temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1359 here.
ASTM C1366This test method covers the determination of tensile strength under uniaxial loading of monolithic advanced ceramics at elevated temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1366 here.
ASTM C1425This test method addresses the compression of a double-notched specimen to determine interlaminar shear strength of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic composites (CFCCs) at elevated temperatures. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1425 here.
ASTM C1469This test method covers the determination of shear strength of joints in advanced ceramics at ambient temperature. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C1469 here.
ASTM C674These test methods cover determination of the modulus of rupture and the modulus of elasticity of fired ceramic whitewares bodies, formed by any fabrication method, and are applicable to both glazed and unglazed test specimens. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C674 here.
ASTM C773This test method covers two test procedures (A and B) for the determination of the compressive strength of fired whiteware materials. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ASTM C773 here.
BS 6431-12:1983, EN 100:1991Ceramic floor and wall tiles. Method for determination of modulus of rupture. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to BS 6431-12 and EN 100 here.
BS EN 1892:2005Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature under inert atmosphere. Determination of tensile properties. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 1892 here.
BS EN 1894:2005Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at high temperature under inert atmosphere. Determination of shear strength by compression loading of notched specimens. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 1894 here.
BS EN 658-1:1998Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at room temperature. Determination of tensile strength. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 658-1 here.
BS EN 658-2:2002Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at room temperature. Determination of compression properties. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 658-2 here.
BS EN 658-3:2002Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at room temperature. Determination of flexural strength. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 658-3 here.
BS EN 658-5:2002Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of ceramic composites at room temperature. Determination of interlaminar shear strength by short span bend test (three points). Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 658-5 here.
BS EN ISO 10545-4:1997Ceramic tiles. Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN ISO 10545-4 here.
BS ISO 15490:2000Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Test method for tensile strength of monolithic ceramics at room temperature. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ISO 15490 here.
EN 843-1Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Mechanical properties at room temperature. Part 1. Determination of flexural strength. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 843-1 here.
EN 843-2Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Mechanical properties at room temperature. Part 2. Determination of Young’s modulus, s hear modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to EN 843-2 here.
ISO 17565Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Test method for flexural strength of monolithic ceramics at elevated temperature. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ISO 17565 here.
ISO 22215Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Test method for tensile creep of monolithic ceramics. Experience our recommended ceramics testing equipment adherent to ISO 22215 here.