International Standards – Paper and Cardboard

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ASTM D4987This test method covers the procedure for testing the tensile breaking strength of the perforations in one-part continuous forms paper. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ASTM D4987 here.
ASTM D5803This test method provides a quick, reliable means to measure the wet zero-span tensile strength of a specimen of sheeted material. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ASTM D5803 here.
ASTM D5804This test method provides a quick reliable means to measure the zero-span tensile strength of a randomly oriented specimen of fibers when dry. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ASTM D5804 here.
ASTM D774This test method covers measurements of the bursting strength of paper and paper products occurring as single or laminated flat sheets not over 0.6mm. (0.025 in.) in thickness having a bursting strength of 30 kPa up to 1400 kPa (4 psi up to 200 psi). Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ASTM D774 here.
ASTM D828This test method covers procedures for determining tensile properties of paper and paperboard. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ASTM D828 here.
ASTM D829These test methods measure the (wet) tensile breaking strength of paper, paper products, and paperboard (excluding corrugated board) when saturated with water. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ASTM D829 here.
BS 2922-2:1984, ISO 3781-1983Strength of wet paper and board. Method for determination of the tensile strength of paper and board after immersion in water. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS 2922-2 and ISO 3781 here.
BS 3748:1992, ISO 2493:1992Method for determination of resistance to bending of paper and board. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS 3748 and ISO 2493 here.
BS 4415-1:1992, ISO 1924-1:1992Determination of the tensile properties of paper and board. Constant rate of loading method. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS 4415-1 and ISO 1924-1 here.
BS 4816:1972Method for the determination of the puncture resistance of board. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS 4816 here.
BS 7325:1990, ISO 9895:1989Method for determination of the compressive strength of paper and board by the short span test. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS 7325 and ISO 9895 here.
BS EN 12625-4:1999Tissue paper and tissue products. Determination of tensile strength, stretch at break and tensile energy absorption. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS EN 12625-4 here.
BS EN 12625-5:1999Tissue paper and tissue products. Determination of wet tensile strength. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS EN 12625-5 here.
BS EN ISO 1924-2:1995Paper and board. Determination of tensile properties. Constant rate of elongation method. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS EN ISO 1924-2 here.
BS ISO 11093-6:1996Paper and board. Testing of cores. Determination of bending strength by the three-point method. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS ISO 11093-6 here.
BS ISO 11093-7:1997Paper and board. Testing of cores. Determination of flexural modulus by the three-point method. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS ISO 11093-7 here.
BS ISO 12192:2002Paper and board. Compressive strength. Ring crush method. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS ISO 12192 here.
BS ISO 1924-3Paper and board. Tensile strength, strain at break, tensile energy absorption and tensile stiffness. Part 3. Constant rate of elong ation method (100 mm/min). Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to BS ISO 1924-3 here.
ISO 11093-6Paper and board. Testing of cores. Part 6. Determination of bending strength by the three-point method. Experience our recommended paper and cardboard testing equipment adherent to ISO 11093-6 here.