
Anemometer: Your Perfect Device To Measure Temperature, Wind Speed & Direction. An anemometer, also known as a wind meter is considered an important tool for meteorological agencies; however, they are equally important for other industries, such as HVAC, marine, etc. This is possible since the fundamental design of this instrument didn’t change at all.

Knowing An Anemometer

An anemometer is used to measure air velocity and pressure. Apart from measuring the air velocity, an anemometer can measure temperature and humidity also. With this instrument, the air flow velocity and the volume of air flow inside a room can be measured. The air velocity and air flow of a room should be measured regularly to check the indoor air quality. Hence, they are ideal for testing the efficiency of HVAC-R systems.

Whether you are an expert HVAC technician or indoor air quality technician, the anemometer will provide accurate air volume flow readings, as well as air velocity readings of any HVAC or ventilation systems.

Kimo Instruments offers a vast range of anemometer products for helping professionals to measure the contained air flow, such as inside an air duct. However, even an anemometer is used to measure unconfined air flow such as atmospheric wind.

At present, there are different types of anemometer instruments available in the market. Let’s take a look.

Common Types

Hot –Wire Anemometer
This is one of the most common types of anemometer that helps to determine the velocity of the gas in turbulent flow conditions. This anemometer is used to measure temperature.

Thermo Anemometer
It is interesting to look at the thermo anemometer as a measuring instrument for air speed. It is also suitable for measuring the wind outdoors.

If you want to buy a wind meter, you will find various models of an anemometer for measuring air flows and temperature.